We are the professional and educational bodies for Great Britain and Ireland's 400+ registered clinical perfusion scientists (also known as perfusionists). We are highly trained members of the cardiothoracic surgical team and experts in operating cardiopulmonary bypass.
“ Reporting issues is vital for maintaining and improving safety procedures.”
View Safety Report PageOur directory has useful information on local perfusionist contacts, hopital websites and social media accounts.
View Hospital DirectoryHave YOUR say on the future of Congenital Heart Disease research
Intraoperative anti-A/B immunoadsorption is associated with significantly reduced blood product utilisation with similar outcomes in paediatric ABO-incompatible heart transplantation., reducing the amount of time children are waiting for new hearts.
'Surgeons: At the Edge of Life' BBC 2 Thursday 18th November 2021 9pm
Biographies for candidates canvassing for a position on the SCPS Executive Committee 2021/2022.
For some time, the Society has recognised the increased need for an enhanced online presence. This article considerations taken to create the new SCPS website as well as some of the intricacies involved during the initial phase of creation.
Have YOUR say on the future of Congenital Heart Disease research
Future Challenges In Perfusion Intro coming soon
Our Back To Basics II Webinar videos are now available in our members area.
Our schedule is now available on our dedicated web page. A PDF variant is also available.
Our Back To Basics II Zoom Webinar registration will be opening soon. AMSECT members get 25% off by entering a discount code at checkout.
The meeting is open to Perfusionists, both members and non-members of the SCPS, commercial medical industries and anyone involved in cardiothoracic surgery, extra-corporeal circulation and blood preservation techniques.
Would you or your company like to advertise at the 2022 SCPS AGM?
Our 2022 sponsor tariffs can be found on our webpage. Information on confirmed sponsors is also shown here.
Our AGM is the largest gathering of perfusionists in the UK and is a forum for sharing of novel research, lively debate of current perfusion concepts and the opportunity to catch up with colleagues and friends in the profession. Our sponsorship packages will allow your company to network and do business with delegates who either make or influence purchasing decisions for their hospital and trust. Check out our new sponsors' invitation brochure.
This web page goes over the various features of Zoom Webinar for different types of participants: i.e. host, co-host, panelist members, and attendees. There are also download links for the Zoom client which will be needed for the event.
Please select from the options below - COMING SOON
Chris is a deep sea saturation diver who was involved in a catastrophic accident which left him stranded 300 feet below the surface of the treacherous North Sea, with no light, heat or breathing gas for 35 minutes. Watch 'Last Breath' Promo video.
Professor Andrew Klein is a Cardiothoracic Anaesthetist at Royal Papworth Hospital in Cambridge. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Anaesthesia. He is on the Board and Council of the Association of Anaesthetists, the membership organisation for > 11,000 anaesthetists in Great Britain and Ireland.
The mini biographies page highlights the other speakers who will be delivering talks at our 2021 SCPS AGM event (uploads in progress).
It is important that all attendees to our 2021 AGM familiarise themselves with our Covid-19 safety guidelines shown on our venue page (clicking button will take user directly to the info).
Our 2021 AGM Venue will be at the award winning Chesford Grange Hotel in Warwick. See our venue page for information, photo gallery, map and more.
Our submitted 2022 AGM event presentation videos are now available for your viewing pleasure.
Our submitted presentation videos are now available in our members' area to watch.
Our 2025 pre-recorded Zoom AGM video presentations will be available after the event.
Our 2025 3-day AGM & workshops schedules will be available soon.
Coming Soon
Our previous AGM event galleries are available through the button below.
The meeting is open to Perfusionists, both members and non-members of the SCPS, commercial medical industries and anyone involved in cardiothoracic surgery, extra-corporeal circulation and blood preservation techniques.
Would you or your company like to advertise at the 2022 SCPS AGM?
Our 2022 sponsor tariffs can be found on our webpage. Information on confirmed sponsors is also shown here.
Our AGM is the largest gathering of perfusionists in the UK and is a forum for sharing of novel research, lively debate of current perfusion concepts and the opportunity to catch up with colleagues and friends in the profession. Our sponsorship packages will allow your company to network and do business with delegates who either make or influence purchasing decisions for their hospital and trust. Check out our new sponsors' invitation brochure.
This web page goes over the various features of Zoom Webinar for different types of participants: i.e. host, co-host, panelist members, and attendees. There are also download links for the Zoom client which will be needed for the event.
Please select from the options below - COMING SOON
Chris is a deep sea saturation diver who was involved in a catastrophic accident which left him stranded 300 feet below the surface of the treacherous North Sea, with no light, heat or breathing gas for 35 minutes. Watch 'Last Breath' Promo video.
Professor Andrew Klein is a Cardiothoracic Anaesthetist at Royal Papworth Hospital in Cambridge. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Anaesthesia. He is on the Board and Council of the Association of Anaesthetists, the membership organisation for > 11,000 anaesthetists in Great Britain and Ireland.
The mini biographies page highlights the other speakers who will be delivering talks at our 2021 SCPS AGM event (uploads in progress).
It is important that all attendees to our 2021 AGM familiarise themselves with our Covid-19 safety guidelines shown on our venue page (clicking button will take user directly to the info).
Our 2021 AGM Venue will be at the award winning Chesford Grange Hotel in Warwick. See our venue page for information, photo gallery, map and more.
Our submitted 2022 AGM event presentation videos are now available for your viewing pleasure.
Our submitted presentation videos are now available in our members' area to watch.
We are living in unprecedented times, which inevitably lead to unprecedented circumstances and difficult decisions. It is with great regret that I have to announce that this year’s Annual Congress of The Society of Clinical Perfusion Scientists will not be taking place in physical form. The decision has been taken by the executive committee after full discussion and careful consideration. We have a duty of care not only to you, our colleagues, but also to our patients. We feel that we cannot risk the possibility of causing an outbreak of Covid-19 within our professional group as this would not only endanger the health and welfare of us, but also potentially affect the capacity for cardiac surgery across Great Britain and Ireland.
We have moved the meeting online and are happy to invite you to our 2020 Webinar and AGM. We look forward to (virtually) seeing as many of you as possible over the 6th and 7th of November to enjoy a full academic programme and the Annual General Meetings of our Society and College.
Please follow the links to find out more and to register.
The call for abstracts has gone out and you can submit yours via the link shown below.
Thank you and ‘see’ you in November.
Registration is now open. This is available to Society members and non-members - See Events Page for updates.
Would you or your company like to advertise at the 2020 Society of Clinical Perfusion Scientists of Great Britain and Ireland's virtual congress?
Our sponsorship packages will allow great exposure to targeted audiences, this means even more opportunity to sell products or services.
This web page goes over the various features of Zoom Webinar for different types of participants: i.e. host, co-host, panelist members, and attendees. There are also download links for the Zoom client which will be needed for the event.
The buttons below can be used to access the appropriate pdf documents. Our 2020 event PDF schedule is now available. Abstracts Pdf is coming soon.
In addition to the pdf schedule, we also have a highly optimised responsive web schedule for devices from desktop/laptop computers, tablets to mobile phones, with links to speaker biographies.
All members of the Society of Clinical Perfusion Scientists of Great Britain and Ireland receive the bi-monthly publication of Perfusionist. The journal contains scientific articles, news and views pertaining to the Society and the College of Clinical Perfusion Scientists, correspondence from members and trade representatives, and a situations vacant section. It is a forum for discussion and debate and should be used by the readership as a conduit for communication with the many diverse strands of our organisation.