Guideline For Departmental College Tutors

The position of Departmental Perfusion Scientist College Tutor is a voluntary position. With this in mind the following guidelines are intended not to be too onerous. The chief responsibility of the Tutor is to act as a point of contact between their Trust/Hospital and the College of Clinical Perfusion Scientists of Great Britain & Ireland.

Departmental Tutor Responsibilities:

  1. Act as first point of contact between a Trust and the College.
  2. Maintain records of attendance at audit and mortality & morbidity meetings of all registered Perfusionists (advert / flyer of meeting, or register of attendance as evidence of meeting).
  3. Maintain record of lectures given by registered Perfusionists on Perfusion & related topics (either handout or programme).
  4. Maintain and monitor attendance of registered Perfusionists at Scientific meetings. (It is hoped the Tutor would notify colleagues of CPE points requirements if a shortfall is anticipated).
  5. Monitor and inform colleagues of any shortfall in case numbers required for re-registration.
  6. Assist colleagues with re-registration and any issues arising from re-registration.
  7. Liaise and organise College visits for Accreditation status.
  8. Seek clarification on any issues pertaining to re-registration with the College administrator or members of the re-registration sub-committee.
  9. Provide an updated postal / e-mail address lists for all Perfusionists in their department.

Given the need for the nominated individual to monitor and identify areas of concern pertaining to re-registration within his / her Department, the College requests the Tutor to be suitably experienced, with the ability to deal with sensitive issues.  The College also recommends that the Chief Perfusionist not have the role as Tutor.

The role of Departmental Tutor is pivotal in maintaining registration of Perfusionists within their Trust, but also assists in reducing duplication within the administration of the College.