"The Safety Committee is a joint venture between the Society and College of Clinical Perfusion Scientists of Great Britain and Ireland. The committee collates and reports all issues relating to patient safety in clinical perfusion practice. The committee liaises with the relevant Department of Health agencies including the MHRA and HPRA. In summary, the Safety Committee provides a mechanism to report perfusion safety concerns /incidents and to disseminate knowledge, lessons learned to our membership in a timely manner. All reports are published with no patient, individual or hospital identifiers."

Ms Jacqui Simmons
Safety Committee ChairSociety Of Clinical Perfusion Scientists Of Great Britain and Ireland

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Ms Jacqui Simmons
Senior Clinical Perfusionist University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire (UHCW)
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Ms Jacqui Simmons
SCPS Safety Chair
Alan Rayner
HCA Healthcare UK - Head of Perfusion Services.
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Alan Rayner
SCPS Representative
Mr Bryce Pate
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Mr Bryce Pate
CCPS Representative
Andrew Murray
Coming Soon
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Andrew Murray
SCPS Representative
Mrs Anne-Marie Murton
Senior Clinical Perfusion Scientist - Royal Papworth Hospital.
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Mrs Anne-Marie Murton
CCPS Representative


Functions Of Safety Committee

  1. To advise on matters of patient safety in perfusion practice.
  2. To provide expert opinion on safety issues highlighted by SCPS/CCPS members, themedical profession and equipment manufacturers.
  3. To liaise on safety initiatives with relevant authorities and agencies, for example Department of Health, Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA), National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) and SCTS.    
  4. To commission seminars and advise on additions to perfusion guidelines on safety related aspects of practice.
  5. The Safety Committee is a sub-committee of the Executive Committee of the SCPS.  


  1. The Safety Committee, known as the Committee, shall comprise:    
    -  2 members of the SCPS Executive Committee and 2 perfusionist members of the CCPS Council as determined by the respective executives.  
    -   Any members of the SCPS and CCPS maybe co-opted as required.  
    -   All other co-opted members will be non-voting.
  2. The Committee may, with prior approval, co-opt any person qualified to assist or advise the Committee. Invitations to co-opted members whom the Chairman wishes to remain as co-opts on the committee should be renewed on an annual basis.  
  3. The tenure of every committee member shall be two years, renewable as appropriate with the consent of the Committee Chairman and the approval of the SCPS and CCPS. The date of appointment of all committee members shall be taken to be the date of the Annual General Meeting at the Annual Congress of SCPS/CCPS.
  4. The Chairman shall review the membership of the committee every year after its last meeting before the Annual Congress.


  1. The Chairman shall be appointed by the Committee for a term of two years.
  2. The Chairman shall normally be a member of the SCPS or CCPS.
  3. The Secretary shall be appointed by the Chairman for a term of two years.
  4. The Secretary shall be a member of the SCPS Executive Committee.
  5. The Secretary shall be responsible for ensuring that minutes of the meetings are kept.
  6. The Secretary shall take the chair at meetings in the absence of the Chairman.
  7. The Chairman or Secretary shall provide a report, where necessary, for inclusion in the committee meetings of the SCPS and CCPS.
  8. The Chairman or Secretary shall submit a written annual report from the Safety Committee for inclusion in the Annual Reports of the SCPS and CCPS.
  1. The Committee will meet four times a year. The quorum for a meeting will be three of the four members.
  2. The Chairman should seek to reach decisions by consensus. In the absence of this, a vote will be held. Co-opted members shall not vote. In the event of a tied vote, the Chairman shall have a second, casting vote.
  3. Following a reported incident and before considering a formal recommendation to the SCPS Executive Committee, the Safety Committee will audit across the SCPS’ constituency and consider all relevant current practice.
  4. Once a reported incident has been examined and no further enquiries are required the Safety Committee will report its advice to the Executive Committee of the SCPS.
  1. Any recommendations made by the Safety Committee and approved by the Executive Committee must be shared immediately before publication with the College of Clinical Perfusion Scientists of Great Britain and Ireland and other relevant stakeholders, for example Society for Cardiothoracic Surgery by the Secretary of the SCPS.
  2. Immediately following notification to the College an e-bulletin is to be sent to all Chief Perfusionists and the approved recommendation published in the SCPS website on the pages dedicated to the Safety Committee. Every effort will be made to ensure publication in a timely fashion.
  3. The website will be a record of previous publications for retrospective review and each publication will be clearly labelled if superseded by more current advice.
  1. The Committee shall review its Terms of Reference every year. Proposed changes shall be submitted to the Secretary of the SCPS for consideration by the Executive Committee before, if necessary putting to the SCPS membership at the Annual General Meeting.