The brand of heparin used in Cardiac Surgery in the hospital was changed. Immediately difficulties were noted opening the new branded ampoules. Two perfusionists received minor cuts and a number of ampoules shattered on opening and others left jagged edges. Glass splinters were observed in a roller pump.
In excess of 20 ampoules were returned to pharmacy whose initial response was to buy ampoule breakers. Ampoules continued to break unevenly with ampoule breakers and the pharmacy were contacted again.
Reply From Hospital Pharmacy
"I have highlighted this issue with the All Wales contracting group, and I have also shared this with other pharmacy procurement colleagues across Wales. Cardiff & Vale have also highlighted similar issue with the 20ml ampoules. The suppliers (Kent Pharmaceuticals) have also been contacted, and they are in the process of sourcing new manufacturers in view of the issue with Fannin brand. Once I hear of any update, I will let you know."